68 Black Teal Close, Unsworth Heights is within easy access to motorway, the property is situated in a popular, high demand location. Situated in a sought-after street just moments from the shops and restaurants and zoned for Westlake Boys and Girls.
These do-up units with the opportunity to add further value to them in addition to exploring other opportunities on the generously proportioned site. Make your money work for you and get a good return on it. There are tenants in both units at the moment.
Unit 1 : 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom unit
Unit 2 : 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom unit
Presented in original condition, there is also the option of upgrading to maximise rental return – or simply enjoy the benefit of an income until you develop the site and realise the full potential of this premium real estate. Whether your plans are to repair, rent and hold – or ultimately to develop the site – be assured our overseas owners are only considering one option – SOLD!